
by Stanley Muse

Books & Reference


Written Sermons concerning salvation, conversion, baptism of the Holy Spirit, new birth and Christian Perfection. The primary objective of the Gospel is to save men from sin. One who is thus saved no longer lives in sin. He is no longer under the yoke of sin. Jesus death and resurrection destroyed the power of sin so that whoever sincerely believes the true Gospel is completely saved from sin. A gospel that fails to deliver its believers from sin is not the gospel of Jesus Christ. The sermons in this book series address directly the reason why multitudes attend church yet remain sinners. The problem is not with the multitudes but with the gospel they hear. They hear theology instead of the Gospel. They hear stories about what God did in the past instead of the Gospel. The Gospel has to be Good News. News is what is being aired for the first time; that which is being told for the first time. The traditions passed on from generation to generation is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Theology is not the Gospel of God. The Gospel today is what God thinks and speaks addressing todays conditions. Yes, the Gospel is progressive. It is Gods spoken word for this hour spoken by the Holy Spirit. As long as God ever thinks so He ever speaks, and that is the Gospel that saves, converts, transforms and translates today.